Under the Tanzanian Children's Homes Regulation Act (2012), section 3(c) states that "Placement for a child in a children's home should be temporary rather than a permanent measure and must be used as a last resort".
This is consistent with our mission in recognising family life is invariably the best environment to provide the individual love and attention for children in the long term. Finding a family home for our kids also opens up an opportunity to provide another orphan or abandoned child with a home as long as they need one. We work closely with the local social welfare office to provide further opportunities when space becomes available.
Our experienced childcare managers, Duncan and Neema together with their scouting team are always busy conducting home visits and talking to families, neighbours and village leaders to determine whether we can place any of our kids back with family – their own, relatives and/or community - without any adverse impact.
We are happy to report that this year we have placed five kids back in family environments:
Siblings Esther, Johnson and Fatael with Ndekarisho Family
Mengilaki Mushi with Chuwa family
Lilian Hilary with Chami family
Our team are always conducting follow-ups with the families as we also assist with educational and other needs. The future health of these families equates to sustainable futures and health for the kids. These families will be drawn into our sustainable education program once it gets rolling in the local community.
We are happy to report that this year, we have received 3 new kids with the local social welfare office approval. They are siblings Ally and Lightness Mlacha and Paskalina Mathias.